For over 40 years our stoves have been recognized as products of excellence, examples of tradition and modernity, technology and ancient charm. Safe, certified and efficient, they are made by expert craftsmen with high quality materials, in all their parts. Designed to last and heat in full respect of the environment, they will give your home a unique and comfortable atmosphere.
This is what makes our products unique:

Classic charm
Our stoves are handmade in accordance with the ancient craftsman tradition of Castellamonte. We have chosen to preserve the ancient techniques of craftsmanship and to create high quality products, adapting them to the renewed needs of a modern existence and to the most stringent European and international regulations on environmental protection.

Modern in functionality, safety and efficiency
Our stoves have a technological heart that has evolved over time.
The internal technology is designed to optimize the combustion process, with primary air and secondary air and shell and tube heat exchangers that allow high thermal yields (75> 87%) and very low emissions of carbon monoxide and pollutants into the atmosphere. (dusts and organic compounds). This is the result of years of research and experience gained in the field.
The large fireplaces, internally lined with refractory material of our production, allow a considerable load of wood and therefore higher autonomy (about 6-12 hours).

Excellent materials and workmanship
Our products are made entirely by hand, with high quality materials and worked with the utmost attention to details, in our factory in Castellamonte.
The external body of our stoves is entirely made of enamelled refractory ceramic, highly resistant to thermal dilation, whose surface, while giving heat, never becomes red-hot.
All stages of production, from design and construction to the management of internal parts, are carefully followed by experts and qualified personnel, assisted where necessary by the most modern technology.

Visual comfort
Our products are equipped with large glass doors that allow continuous control of the flame or embers, depending on the stage of combustion. The self-cleaning of the glass contributes efficiently to this function, ensuring a pleasant view of the flame and creating visual comfort.

All our stoves are CE marked. Since 2007 they have been certified by IMQ Prima Control, which has ascertained their compliance based on the European standard UNI EN 13240 and the most stringent European and international standards for environmental protection (BimSchV2, 15A, EPA).
These certifications concern: the nominal heat output, the emissions of carbon monoxide, dusts and organic compounds and the thermal efficiency. Some models also comply with the requirements of environmental protection laws issued by Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and North America.

Respect for the environment
Our stoves are ‘ecological heat generators’ for technological content, product optimization and longevity. They are made with traditional techniques and are equipped with a combustion system that respects the needs of energy saving and low environmental impact, according to the most rigid standards.